Is There a Connection Between Sleep Deprivation and Weight Gain? The Answer May Surprise You

Most normal people have had a sleepless night now and again. Unfortunately, poor and inadequate sleep are making millions of people unhealthy in new and surprising ways. As scientists continue to delve deeper and deeper into the effects of sleep deprivation, new and interesting discoveries are being made all the time. For example: there is apparently a connection between not getting enough sleep, and packing on the pounds.
Yes, we know the two sound like they’re completely unrelated, but there’s actually a stronger connection there than most people think. If you’re having trouble getting a good night sleep and struggling to lose weight, you’re going to want to pay very close attention to this article. Below, we’ll explain exactly how and why your inability to get good sleep is having an unhealthy effect on your waistline. We’ll also provide you with tips, tricks, and strategies that you can use in order to get better sleep at night and wake up the next morning to a reflection in the mirror you can be proud of.
The Unexpected Sleep-Hormone Connection
On the surface, the idea that poor sleep quality and quantity leads to weight gain doesn’t seem very intuitive. But once you look deeper into the science of sleep, it starts to make a little more sense. It all starts with the connection between how your body regulates its hormones, and how sleep deprivation inhibits your brain’s ability to communicate with the rest of your body.
Certain physical structures in the brain communicate directly with the other organs in your body to control which hormones are released, how much, and when. Everything from human growth hormone to insulin and even melatonin are all regulated by your brain. As you may know by now, good sleep is necessary for your brain to be optimally healthy and do its job better. Hence, sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality prevent your brain from being able to release and regulate your hormones in ways that are best for your overall health and wellness.
Ghrelin and Leptin
Ghrelin and leptin are the hunger and satiety hormones, respectively. When your body needs energy, whether it’s because you have an empty stomach or because you are sleep-deprived, your body produces more ghrelin. Even if you don’t necessarily need any calories at that moment, the fact that there are elevated levels of ghrelin circulating through your bloodstream means that you will have more intense and more frequent hunger cravings. Poor sleep also limits your body’s ability to release leptin whenever you are full, which can lead you to eat more calories per meal then you would if you were fully rested.
Cortisol actually performs several different functions in the body, some of which are necessary for optimal health. However, too much cortisol – especially if it is released at the wrong time – can have some pretty negative consequences. It’s known as the “stress hormone” for a reason. It is most often released in large quantities when you feel physically or emotionally stressed. And guess what? Sleep deprivation is a cruel combination of both emotional and physical distress. When you have unnecessarily high levels of cortisol circulating through your bloodstream, this can lead to stress eating. And most people, when they stress eat, don’t exactly pick the healthiest food choices – which further adds to the problem of an expanding waistline.
Orexin is produced by the hypothalamus, and is often referred to as the “arousal hormone”. And no, we aren’t talking about amorous arousal. Orexin helps regulate your appetite and your level of wakefulness. Sleep deprivation triggers your brain to release more orexin, which can also motivate you to continue eating even after you feel full.
Consequences of Sleep Deprivation on Your Waistline
As you can see, sleep deprivation motivates your brain to release all sorts of hormones which make you feel hungry, crave fattening foods, and feel lethargic. Strangely, the brain does this because it confuses the lack of energy from sleep deprivation with the lack of energy from not getting enough calories.
All of these things create what is called a “positive feedback loop” in your body. Although that may sound like a good thing, in this case, it’s the worst thing that could possibly happen. You can also think of it as a snowball effect. The poorer your sleep quality, the more likely you are to make poor food choices, which makes you feel lethargic and tired all day. The more tired you feel, the more your brain releases hormones that make you eat poorly. And the more weight you gain from your unhealthy food choices, the harder it is to get good sleep at night – especially if you are so overweight that you develop sleep apnea.
The hunger hormones which make you feel tired are also responsible for zapping away your motivation to make healthy choices. You’ll be less likely to work out, less motivated to choose healthy foods, and less likely to make good decisions in general.The prefrontal cortex is the decision-making epicenter of your brain, and the hormones that are released when you are sleep-deprived actually make it more difficult for your prefrontal cortex to work the way it should. While this doesn’t absolve you from the consequences you must face as the result of making bad decisions, it will make it harder for you to choose between what feels good and what is actually good for you.
Breaking the Sleep Cycle
With all the doom and gloom we’ve talked about so far, it may seem like trying to break this sleep deprivation cycle is nearly impossible. But the truth is, it’s actually much simpler than you realize. If you combine healthy sleep habits with a better diet, more exercise, and a natural herbal sleep aid, there is hope. It will feel like a Herculean task it first, but it will get easier and easier as each day passes. Pretty soon, you’ll be getting the best sleep you’ve ever had in years, your waistline will rapidly shrink, and you’ll see a happier, healthier version of yourself in the mirror each day. You can get started by ordering your supply of Avinol PM today.