Stop Snoring Help

If you sleep alone, then your snoring is unlikely to pose a major problem in your life – unless it is loud and disruptive enough to wake you up. Having someone else in the room with you at night means that they are subjected to your snoring; having a partner that snores can be difficult to deal with when trying to get a good night’s sleep.

There are many strategies and techniques available to help you stop snoring, but what works for one person may not work for another. If you are serious about trying to stop snoring, you should experiment with as many different ideas as possible to try and come up with a viable solution. Your snoring can be brought under control; you simply must be willing to try different things and keep an open mind about potentially trying medications or supplements, too.

What causes snoring?

There is no one single cause of snoring. Many different things can make you snore, and pinpointing the cause is the best way to try and stop snoring. If you or your partner only snores sporadically – i.e., not every single night – there’s a very good chance that certain substances or circumstances could be to blame. Alcohol, for instance, can trigger snoring. If you want to stop snoring, you may need to avoid alcohol as much as possible. On nights when you do consume alcohol, you may want to sleep separately from your partner. Having a cold can trigger bouts of snoring as well; using a decongestant in such cases can help you stop snoring.

If you are a smoker and find yourself snoring a lot, you should quit. Many people discover that they stop snoring when they quit smoking. Losing weight can also help you stop snoring, since carrying around extra weight increases strain on your entire body and can exacerbate or worsen snoring. Sometimes, basic physiological things are responsible for snoring; you may have an overly large tongue, for example, or a soft palate that makes your air passage narrower. In those cases, it is much more difficult to stop snoring and any remedies that you may consider could very well involve surgery.

Snoring aids: chinstraps and mouthpieces

When various methods and strategies fail to help you stop snoring, you might start considering different products for help. For some people, things like chinstraps and mouthpieces are very beneficial in their struggle to stop snoring. However, others find that they actually interrupt sleep more than anything else; even if they stop snoring, a chinstrap or a mouthpiece might be such a nuisance that it keeps a person awake at night. Depending on how adamant you are about trying to stop snoring, such devices might be reasonable to experiment with.


A chinstrap works to force you to breathe through your nose; this can help you stop snoring because when you breathe mostly through your mouth, a lot more noise tends to be generated. If the chinstrap doesn’t bother you, you can easily stop snoring by relying on one.


On the other hand, you may find that a mouthpiece works better to help you stop snoring. It makes your lower jaw move forward while sleeping, which keeps things aligned better and prevents snoring. Manny people swear by their mouthpieces to maintain a peaceful bedroom.

What to do if your partner snores

Even if you don’t personally snore, you may live with a partner that does. Trying to get a good night’s sleep while listening to someone snore can be impossible. You can encourage your partner to stop snoring by suggesting that he or she try things like mouthpieces, chinstraps and nasal strips. By being supportive and helping them find a way to stop snoring, you can keep the peace in your relationship and also enjoy a healthy, full night of sleep.

Additionally, you and your partner may both benefit from taking a sleep aid. If you snore, try out a sleep aid to keep snoring to a minimum, and if you don’t sore, but your partner does, also trying a sleep aid can result in more restful, rejuvenating sleep. There are many sleep aids available, from natural to prescription. To see which sleep aid our readers ranked as #1, read the sleep aid reviews.

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