Can’t Sleep? You May Have a Sleep Disorder

Sleeping disorders are very common; they are classified as any condition that impedes your ability to get to sleep at night and that causes you to be groggy and exhausted during waking hours. Many people suffer from some kind of sleeping disorder; some of these disorders are relatively common, while others are considered to be much more rare and unusual.
If you think that you may be suffering from a sleeping disorder – for instance, you regularly can’t fall asleep at night and spend your days feeling exhausted and worn out – you should consult with a doctor to figure out a treatment.
Why do sleep disorders occur?
Different sleeping disorders occur for different reasons, but most of them are initially brought on by a bout of major stress or another upset in one’s life. Sometimes, other medical conditions bring on a sleeping disorder; at other times, prescription medications can cause them to occur.
A change of environment can bring on a sleeping disorder, as can hormonal changes from a new baby for instance. Regardless of how they occur, sleeping disorders are common enough that there are many different treatments and strategies for dealing with them – no one should feel alone in this regard.
Common sleep disorders
Almost every type of sleep disorder can be traced back to your circadian rhythm. This is the fancy term for your body’s internal body clock. When you’re following a healthy, regular routine, it can dramatically improve your health and help you get better sleep. But if your body’s internal clock isn’t wound up and set just the right way, it can cause all sorts of problems.
One of the most common sleeping disorders is insomnia. Affecting millions of people worldwide, insomnia is characterized by being unable to get to sleep, or even stay asleep. There are many purported treatments for insomnia, including herbal remedies and prescription sleep aids.
Another very common sleeping disorder is sleep apnea; in this condition, people actually stop breathing for brief periods of time while asleep. Their sleep cycle is interrupted and they feel as if they didn’t get any rest during the night.
In RLS, or Restless Legs Syndrome, sufferers have unpleasant sensations in their legs during the night that make them have difficulty sleeping. RLS can be treated with herbal sleep aids, much like insomnia.
Rare sleep disorders
In addition to the many relatively common sleeping disorders, there are quite a few rare sleeping disorders as well. One example of a relatively rare sleeping disorder is narcolepsy. In this condition, the sufferer finds him or herself falling asleep at random, inappropriate parts of the day – often without warning.
Another rare sleeping disorder is delayed sleep phase disorder. People with this sleep disorder can’t stick to an appropriate sleep schedule, and may sleep away the afternoon or during another unusual time.
Sleep disorder cures and treatments
There are many cures and treatments currently on the market today for sleeping disorders. Sometimes, people simply need to employ a few strategies and techniques before bedtime in order to deal with their sleeping disorder.
More serious sleeping disorders may require sleeping aids; in those cases, herbal sleep aids are the preferred choice for many people – especially those who wish to avoid harsh chemicals and potentially addiction forming medications. To see which natural sleep aid was top rated, check out the product reviews.