Prescription Sleep Aids

When a sleep disorder gets to the point where it’s seriously impacting your life in very negative ways, you might start considering prescription sleep aids. As insomnia worsens, job performance can dwindle and your personal life can fall apart. Students usually see their grades begin to slip, many times to the point where they drop out or get expelled from school.

When these negative consequences of insomnia happen, your doctor may begin talking to you about prescription sleep aids. After all, if you have exhausted other methods and strategies, you are likely to be at your wit’s end and would probably try virtually anything to find some relief. But are prescription sleep aids really such a great idea?

Before trying out prescription sleep aids, you should exhaust many other methods of finding relief for your sleep disorder. For instance, setting a strict schedule for yourself and following a very regimented bedtime routine can sometimes help. You might also try a warm, soothing bath before it’s time to retire for the night. Some people discover that getting extra exercise during the day can make getting to sleep much easier. In other words, you should try as many things as possible before falling back on prescription sleep aids. As with any prescription medication, prescription sleep aids should be used only when all other options have been exhausted – and when you’re simply too exhausted to do anything else.

Who needs a prescription sleep aid?

Not everyone needs prescription sleep aids. In fact, most people actually don’t. Unfortunately, many doctors are quick to offer prescription sleep aids to patients who are desperate to find relief for their sleep disorders. That’s why you need to keep aware of the potential dangers of using prescription sleep aids, and inform your doctor that you’d like to try absolutely everything before falling back on prescription sleep aids. Let him or her know that you would much rather avoid prescription medications of any kind, and that you’d like to hear about alternatives to prescription sleep aids. If they are unwilling to help, find a new doctor.

Some people really do need prescription sleep aids, though. Although the vast majority of people with sleep disorders can find relief in other ways, some people’s situations simply get to the point that it is mandatory. Before taking prescription sleep aids, people should try to make as many lifestyle changes as possible to rule out any other problems. When that is done – and if the problem persists – then additional help is usually necessary. Also, before taking prescription sleep aids, people need to be aware of the potential for addiction and of the fact that going off of prescription sleep aids can pose many unpleasant problems.

Prescription sleep aid side effects

Like many prescription medications, prescription sleep aids are not always safe to use. Many people end up becoming dependent on them, forming serious addictions. From this addiction, abuse often follows. While the sleep disorder might be solved, the problem of getting off of prescription sleep may pose another set of challenges.

Many of the ingredients found in prescription sleep aids can cause very unpleasant side effects; some people simply can’t handle taking prescription sleep aids for this reason. Side effects include hallucinations, amnesia, increased appetite, impaired judgment, and rebound insomnia.

For these reasons, herbal remedies are generally preferred because they are safer and more effective than prescription sleep aids. Studies have shown that ingredients like melatonin and 5HTP produce more relief for a wider variety of people than prescription medications do.

List of prescription sleep aids

There are many different types prescription sleep aids available. Every sleep aid reacts and works differently, depending on the severity of your insomnia. For instance, some prescription sleep aids may work like an extended release pill, others may dissolve and start working all at once.

Prescription sleep aids include:

  • Ambien
  • Ambien CR
  • Ambien
  • Halcion
  • Lunesta
  • Rozerem
  • Valium
  • Sonata
  • Restoril
  • Pamelor
  • Desyrel

All of these medications pose their own unique side effects, and people are generally better off using herbal remedies instead. Ingredients like melatonin and 5HTP are less costly and safer. Many who have tried melatonin for sleep have reported great success and effectiveness. To find which sleep aids were top rated, see our sleep aid reviews.

Can't Sleep? Learn About Sleep Aids That Work